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Recent books by Dr Cardona

Dr Cardona's two recent books fill a gap in the integrative medicine space. They provide a detailed medical and scientific explanation and integration of Ayurveda, it's concepts and protocols, using Western biomedical and pharmacological frameworks.


The books are part of a planned series that explore the common pathologies of our modern times through the eyes of Ayurveda, a medical system that has been practised successfully for centuries.


Ayurveda for Obesity and Gut Health


The global spread of obesity has been labelled a pandemic – “globesity”. More than one billion people worldwide are now living with obesity, 880 million adults and 159 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 years. Nearly three billion people are living with either overweight or obesity (NCD-RisC, 2024). About 16% of adults aged 18 years and older worldwide were obese in 2022 (WHO, 2024).


The root causes of obesity are deep and multifactorial: sociocultural, economic, environmental, psychological, and genetic. We can see a common denominator in many cases of obesity and overweight: an improper lifestyle because of perpetuated wrong habits, affecting short or long-term our metabolic systems (our “agni”, or digestive fire, in ayurvedic terms).


This in turn affects our other body systems creating an imbalance which leads to obesity. Generally speaking, in conditions of risk or imbalance (stress or anxiety due to work pressure, climate, etc.), our body has the tendency to pack energy in the form of fat). How we deal with that fat determines our disposition to obesity and overweight.


















Ayurveda for Depression

It is estimated that 280 million people live with depression. More than 7% of adults are diagnosed with depression. People aged 12-25 have the highest rates of depression and is about 50% more common among women than men. Depression is also the leading cause of disability worldwide with a massive economic cost. However, we are still struggling to develop highly effective treatments, and the rate of diagnosis is increasing despite the symptoms and patterns, contributing factors, preventative measures, and numerous pharmacological treatments being quite well known.


The Ayurvedic approach to depression is grounded in the understanding of the body/mind/spirit imbalances. It teaches the individuals how to handle a proper daily lifestyle by self-care to promote overall well-being. Gentle protocols of proper diet, exercise, yoga and development of mental awareness via methods of relaxation and meditation are part of the protocols accompanied by natural herbal medication are all inviting to a personal participation instead of creating a dependency on pharmacological drugs.









We are all different and submit to different life pressures. Ayurveda understood the individual nature of pathological and symptom origin, thousands of years ago, and developed a scientific medical system to address obesity based on our individual constitutions and eating patterns, for the process of rebalancing out metabolism in parallel with other Ayurvedic practices such as exercise, yoga, relaxation, meditation and of course the very clear support of its natural medicines.  


I am optimistic that this book will be a useful guide, and you will be able to enjoy the understanding of who you really are from an ayurvedic perspective, and how obesity and gut health affects your body systems which lead to metabolic and hormonal alterations.  ​


Ayurveda for Obesity and Gut Health has nearly 400 scientific journal citations, together with numerous illuminating quotations from classical Indian texts including the Vedas. 370 pages.


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Healing Arts Press (Inner Traditions)

North Atlantic Books

I deeply hope that this book will be a good companion in your path to developing and flourishing with an adjusted lifestyle, and really sense that perhaps Ayurveda is the light at the end of the tunnel that you were looking for.


Ayurveda for Depression has 369 scientific journal citations, together with numerous illuminating quotations from classical Indian texts including the Vedas. 417 pages.


© dr luis eduardo cardona-sanclemente 2018

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